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Microsoft College Scholarship Program for the 2010-2011 School Year


Program Overview
Microsoft College scholarships are designed to encourage students to pursue studies in computer science and related technical disciplines. Students will be awarded scholarships in recognition of their passion for software, academic excellence, and ability to make a difference in the software industry.

Microsoft is excited to be offering scholarships for the 2010–2011 academic year. Applications must be postmarked by February 1, 2010.

What are the criteria for scholarship eligibility?
Students must be enrolled full-time and making satisfactory progress toward an undergraduate degree in computer science, computer engineering, or a related technical discipline, such as math or physics, with a demonstrated interest in computer science. The student must have a 3.0 cumulative grade point average.

Handout found at:
Download file


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 3, 2010 5:51 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Is your workplace more like The Office or NCIS?.

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