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Campaign Internships in Baltimore County

Baltimore County, MD is more populous than four states and the District of Columbia. With over 700,000 residents as of the last census, it's larger than any Congressional District. A top tier countywide campaign is now accepting resumes for Spring and Summer internships. Ideal candidates are high-energy, excellent oral communicators, good listeners and have access to
their own transportation.

Spring Interns (volunteer) can expect to receive a comprehensive education in all substantive areas of campaign work: Field, Fundraising, Communications and Advance and their relationship to one another in building a campaign organization.

Summer internships, in addition to these rotations, also include a Specialized Field internship. 10 weeks of intensive organizing and training. Interns can expect to finish this program with enough experience to work as a field organizer in any Congressional race in the United States.

Please direct all resumes and cover letters to jonnyakchin@gmail.com with


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The next post in this blog is SNOW DATE for Service-Learning Fair: 2/16, 11-2pm on Main Street.

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