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Internships in Virology and Molecular Biology

Two summer internship positions are available at Viracine Therapeutics Corp., beginning June 2010 through the end of August 2010 to work on virology and molecular biology. The candidates should have or be pursuing MS or BS degree in Biology, Molecular Biology or Biochemistry. Experience in molecular techniques such as DNA/RNA isolation, cloning, sequence analysis, PCR, Northern/Southern/western blot analyses, and in vitro cell culture are essential. Maintaining a detailed laboratory notebook record and ability to work in a team are required.

Preferred Student status: Rising Seniors and Graduate Student

Preferred Major: Applied Molecular Biology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Biological Sciences

Minimum GPA: 3.0

Preferred start date: June 01, 2010

Apply today for best consideration!


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 29, 2010 12:19 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Stellar Graphic Design Internship - and it's PAID!.

The next post in this blog is Local Special Needs School Needs Your Help!.

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