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PAID Summer GIS and Communications Intern Needed

Whitman, Requardt & Associates, LLP is an engineering, architecture, and planning firm in Baltimore. The company is are currently looking for two interns.
One for its GIS Department and the other for its Marketing/Communications Department.


The job descriptions are below:
GIS Intern: The GIS internship is open to students who have a GIS background and interest in gaining practical experience using GIS. This position will assist a GIS Analyst in the development and maintenance of GIS databases. The position will also assist in map/database creation for clients and a wide variety of professionals within the company. Qualified applicants should demonstrate a basic ESRI ArcGIS version 9.x working knowledge. Qualified applicants should have experience using GPS equipment and experience in post-processing collected data for use in ArcGIS.

Communications Intern: Assistant needed for the a busy engineering, architecture, and planning firms' Communications/ Marketing Department. Responsibilities would include editing; marketing, proposal, and web site writing; data entry; some graphic design; community outreach; and other administrative assistance as needed.


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