« Intern at Morgan Stanley- Baltimore as a Summer Analyst | Main | Research Intern Needed to Assess Psychosocial & Physical Functioning in Burn Injured Patients »

Interested in interning with NASA?

NASA has recently overhauled their internship website creating a one-stop database for all internship opportunities within the agency. It's easy to create a user profile, search for relevant opportunities and even receive email notifications when new positions are added. Mentors are also able to search student profiles and contact promising students directly when new opportunities become available. If you are interested in working with NASA, you need to create a profile TODAY.

Visit https://solar.nasa.gov/web/public/main/ and use the buttons at the top right of the page to set up an account. Applications for summer programs are accepted through March 1, 2011, however, priority is given to those students who apply early.

For assistance in preparing your application or for additional search strategies, contact The Shriver Center on the 1st floor of the Public Policy Building by calling 410-455-2493 or emailing shrivercenter@umbc.edu.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 5, 2011 1:52 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Intern at Morgan Stanley- Baltimore as a Summer Analyst.

The next post in this blog is Research Intern Needed to Assess Psychosocial & Physical Functioning in Burn Injured Patients.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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