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Scholarship Opportunity for Mechanical Engineering Students

The Mechanical Engineering Department is excited to invited you to apply
for a new National Science Foundation sponsored S-STEM scholarship
available to students enrolled in the full time undergraduate ME program
at UMBC.

Key Elements:

* The S-STEM scholarship is a need and academic performance based
scholarship for to up to 24 students annually, in an average amount of
* The program is aimed at recruiting, mentoring, and supporting
undergraduate students in Mechanical Engineering at UMBC.
* It incorporates research experiences into education via seminars and
access to research laboratories.
* It provides academic and professional development opportunities that
identify employment and paths for graduate study.
* It incorporates innovative approaches to improve students' transfer experience from local community colleges.
* The S-STEM program has a dedicated leadership team consisting of
research and educational faculty with student support specialists.

Applications and detailed information can be found at:

The S-STEM scholarship applicants must:
1. Be US citizen or permanent resident
2. Be accepted in Mechanical Engineering major at UMBC
3. Maintain full time student status
4. Have a minimum GPA of 2.75
5. Demonstrate financial need (if appl.) by the need-based Federal financial aid. All
applicants are required to fill out the FAFSA form (http://www.fafsa.ed.gov)
6. Indicate desire for student housing on the UMBC application form if interested in the
living learning community (LLC).

The deadline for submitting the application package for the Fall 2011
semester is APRIL 1st, 2011.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 20, 2011 3:05 PM.

The previous post in this blog was On-campus Paid Mechanical or Civil Engineering Opportunity.

The next post in this blog is Energy Conservation and K-12 Outreach - NEW POWER Fellowships Available.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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