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Area Youth Need Your Help! Walk-in Hours Available!

A number of in-school and after-school community partners are still in need of UMBC students, willing to commit to an average of 3 hours per week. While the majority of service sites coordinated through The Shriver Center have been filled this Spring, some still need more volunteers. Some of these sites have flexibility around need (area schools) while others are more specific (afterschool programs). Transportation is available in some cases.

To help fill this need, The Shriver Center's Service-Learning Program is hosting walk-in hours Monday, 2/28 and Tuesday, 3/1, 9am-4pm each day. Deadline to register is Wednesday, 3/2 at 9 am. The Shriver Center is located on the first floor of the Public Policy Building, just past the elevators.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 26, 2011 4:37 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Leadership Development Opportunity for 2011-12.

The next post in this blog is Wednesday Deadline to Apply for Resume Reviews/Interviews with the CIA.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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