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Harvard School of Public Health Info Sesssion on Monday- research internships & graduate programs

Monday, March 7th
12 noon to 1pm, Public Policy, LH-9 (1st FlOOR)

Learn about Careers in Public Health and Opportunities (research and graduate programs) at Harvard University School of Public Health!

BONUS: Also Learn about The 2010 Affordable Act and the Future of Health Care in the U.S.
On March 23, 2010 President Obama signed into law the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. This legislation marks a watershed moment in U.S. health care policy. By 2019, the numbers of uninsured will be reduced by approximately 30 million as a result of Medicaid expansion and a set of subsidies, penalties, and regulatory reforms intended to increase take up of individual insurance. These policies will bring the promise of financial access to health care to lower-income Americans but will increase the urgency of delivery system reforms to ensure meaningful access to high-quality care and affordability in the long run. This presentation will highlight the key provisions of the Affordable Care Act, their anticipated effects, and the set of delivery system reforms that have been proposed to alleviate the strains the newly insured will impose on the delivery system and increase the value of health care for all Americans.


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