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Want to get academic credit for your service or volunteer work?

Do you want to link your service work with academic credit? Then consider signing up for one of the The Shriver Center's Service-Learning classes!

Students who enroll in a Service-Learning class are also registered in the 096 Practicum. They commit to volunteer 3-5 hours a week with a service site for a minimum of 30 hours over the course of the semester, and complete reflection activities along with their service. Then, students integrate this service experience into a course, just like they would a textbook or class reading.

The Service-Learning program of The Shriver Center provides service placements for students and registers them for the 096 Practicum. To learn about service placements for spring check out our Service Charts on The Shriver Center's website.

The following service-learning classes are offered this spring:

SOCY 396: Reflections on Community Service: A Sociological Perspective meets Monday 1-1:50pm. Students can take the class for 1, 2, or 3 credits and it is graded P/F. This class does not count toward general education requirements but it does count toward upper level general elective credits.

HONR 390: Reflections on Community Service satisfies the Honors College's applied learning requirement. This is an Independent Study course, which means there are no in-person class meetings; students complete the course on their own. It is 3 credits and graded P/F.

Call The Shriver Center at 410.455.2493 and set up a time to register for a Service-Learning placement and a class!


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 4, 2011 4:41 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Do you seek to make a difference? Shriver Center sites are already filling quickly!.

The next post in this blog is RESUMANIA 2011: Drop-In Resume Reviews at The Career Services and Shriver Centers.

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