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REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN for the 4th Annual Service-Learning & Civic Engagement Conference at Stevenson University on Saturday, April 9th. This year's theme is Journeys Through Service: Passport To Change, which includes presentations by several UMBC students, staff, and faculty in the most competitive proposal submission to date.

Network with others (students, staff, faculty, and community partners) involved with civic engagement and service throughout Maryland. A new feature of this year's conference is awards for outstanding students, faculty, and community partners - a monetary award will be given to the community partner with whom students and faculty are involved. Registration is only $5, and is expected to fill quickly (a limit of 300 participants).

Transportation from UMBC may be provided, but is limited (first come, first served basis). To secure transportation from UMBC, contact UMBC campus representative Clare Greene at (410) 455-2493 or clare6@umbc.edu AFTER you complete your registration! For more information on workshops, registration, award nominations, etc., go to http://www.baltimorecollegetown.org/events/service-learning-conference/


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 4, 2011 5:19 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Paid, on-campus web manager position.

The next post in this blog is Intern for Vision 2020- An Equality Initiative.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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