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Invitation for Applications to Represent the U.S. at the UNESCO Youth Summit

The U.S. Department of State is now accepting applications for the 7th UNESCO Youth Forum. The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Youth Forum is a biennial conference that brings together youth from over 80 countries to exchange views and identify shared opportunities to address global problems within UNESCO’s mandate.

This year, the Youth Forum will be in mid-October at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris. Each National Commission for UNESCO may send up to two candidates to represent youth in their home country. At the Forum, youth delegates will share their experiences and seek ways that UNESCO can use its mandate to promote a better future for mankind. The outcome from the Forum will be forwarded to the UNESCO General Conference for consideration.

Eligibility is limited to U.S. Citizens at least 18 years old and not older than 24 as of October 1, 2011. We encourage candidates from all backgrounds to apply, including those enrolled in community colleges and those not enrolled in academic programs.

Application packets should include a one-page resume along with a written, audio, or video response to the question: “What is the greatest global challenge facing youth, and how can American youth help to address it?” All material must be submitted electronically to the U.S. National Commission for UNESCO Executive Secretariat (DCUNESCO@state.gov) by May 15, 2011 (11:59pm EDT).

For more information, go to http://www.state.gov/p/io/unesco/programs/159764.htm.


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