Probability & Statistics Day 2012 Group Photo
Funded By: National Security Agency | Hosted By: Center for Interdisciplinary Research and Consulting
Group Photo from the 7th Annual Probability & Statistics Day at UMBC 2013
8th Annual April 18-19, 2014

Register A special feature of Probability and Statistics Day at UMBC 2014 is that the conference, including the workshop, is open to all statistics graduate students from UMBC and local universites free of charge; however, REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED! The deadline to register is Friday, April 11, 2014.   // REGISTER NOW

For more information, contact any member of the organizing committee:

Bimal Sinha
Conference Chair

Kofi Adragni
Yvonne Huang
Yaakov Malinovsky
Thomas Mathew
Nagaraj Neerchal
DoHwan Park
Junyong Park
Anindya Roy
Elizabeth Stanwyck


Participant Information

Burcin Simsek

Paper: On the distribution of photon counts with censoring in two-photon microscopy

Photon counting methods can give better images than analog methods in two-photon laser scanning microscopy (T.P.L.S.M.). However, photon detectors have a dead period that leads to undercounts. Earlier methods only used zero counts to estimate the rate of photon emissions. We describe a model for photon generation and derive the distribution of the observed counts $D$, which we then use to estimate the rate $\alpha$ of the Poisson process that models photon emission times. We study the moments of the distribution of $D$, the increase in Fisher information due to incorporating larger counts, and the resulting increase in signal-to-noise ratio that leads to sharper images.