Lidia Maria Bomfim

ELT Trainer
Campinas, Sáo Paulo, Brazil

Dear [All],

I would like to thank you for the great opportunity I have experienced attending both the E-Teacher on line course and the 2011 Summer Workshop at UMBC, USA.

The contact with brilliant English experts from both the University of Oregon and Maryland, Baltimore County, has really been fruitful for my professional development. I can tell you that I came back with more energy and plenty of ideas and very well supported by the excellent academic material they have prepared for us.

The cross cultural experience along with the teachers around the world was fantastic and unforgettable, as well as were the cultural visits scheduled during the 3 week program. I was very touched when visiting the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C., and remembered that it was the place where The Great March on Washington , organized by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had happened exactly in August 1963 (what a coincidence being there in August 2011). I was a child at that time, but being at the local last week, pictures came to my memory and I visualize and feel how important and meaningful that movement was for the American History.

I would like to emphasize the efforts that all the E-Teacher Professional staff have done to support and make us feel comfortable at UMBC. My eternal gratitude to Dr. Joan K. Shin and Ms. Teresa Valais.

Helmara, your efforts and kindness in helping me with the travel/visa arrangements were very much appreciated. Thank you once again.

Sincerely Yours,
Lidia Bomfim, Professora Coordenadora de LEM - Lingua Estrangeira Moderna - InglÔø‡Ôø‡s

Original letter dated: 16 August 2011.

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