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video cover All video excerpts on "Cambodian Performing Arts" from this videotape
Khmer court dance
1992. Produced by Sam-Ang Sam and Naomi Hawes Bishop.
Multicultural Media.

Order info: Online catalog link.
Or telephone +1 (800) 550-0675

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Echoes CD cover Echoes from the Palace compact disk
1996. Music of the World.

Order info: Online catalog link
Or telephone +1 (919) 932-9600

Court Dance CD cover
Court Dance of Cambodia compact disk
1994. Annotated and produced by Sam-Ang Sam.
Cambodian Network Council

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Burkert, Walter
1996. Creation of the sacred: Tracks of biology in early religions. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University.
Cravath, Paul
1986. "The Ritual origins of the classical dance drama of Cambodia," Asian Theatre Journal 3(2):179-203.
1985. "Earth in Flower: An Historical and Descriptive Study of the Classical Dance Drama of Cambodia." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Hawai'i.
Mookerjee, Ajit, and Madhu Khanna
1977. The Tantric way: art, science, ritual. London: Thames and Hudson.
Pelliot, Paul
1903. "Le Fou-nan," Bulletin de l'Ecole Francaise d'Extrême-Orient 3:248-303.
Redfield, Robert
1953. The primitive world and its transformations. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
Sachs, Curt
1937. World history of the dance. New York: W.W.Norton
Sam, Chan Moly
1992. "Muni mekhala: The magic moment in Khmer court dance," Selected reports in ethnomusicology 9:93-113.
1987. Khmer court dance: A comprehensive study of movements, gestures, and postures as applied techniques. Newington, CT: Khmer Studies Institute
Sam, Sam-ang
1988. "The Pin peat ensemble: Its history, music, and context." Ph.D. dissertation, Wesleyan University.
Sam, Sam-Ang and Patricia Shehan Campbell
1991. Silent Temples, Songful Hearts: Traditional Music of Cambodia Available from MCM
Sanday, Peggy
1974. "Female status in the public domain," Woman, culture, and society, ed. Zimbalist Rosaldo and Louise Lamphere, 189-206.
Spence, Lewis
1947. Myth and ritual in dance, game, and rhyme. London: Watts.
Spencer, Paul, ed.
1985. Society and the dance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Thierry, Solange
1963. Les Danses Sacrées. Paris: Sources Orientales.
Turner, Victor, and Edward Bruner, eds
1986. The Anthropology of experience. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.

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17 October 1996