Contact Gary M. Carter


Gary M. Carter


(Graduate Students Applications: APPLY)

Optical Fiber Communications Laboratory


Current research activities are in two areas of photonics:

1. Optical Communications with dispersion-managed solitons
2. Novel fluorescence based bio-sensors.


1. Professor Carter has demonstrated record error-free propagation of dispersion-managed solitons in excess of 24,000 km at a data rate of 10 Gbit/sec and 20,000 km at 20 Gbit/sec. To view the measured "eye" diagrams for the 10 Gbit/sec record transmission go the following link:
Record. This effort utilizes a recirculating fiber optic loop with optical amplifiers, see Loop. These experiments used a complete set of characterization equipment including a 12.5 Gbit/sec error rate tester and a synchroscan streak camera. To see a picture of the facility go to: Facility . The measured pulses in the loop for the record data are shown in Pulse. This research includes the first determination of timing jitter for dispersion-managed soltions. To view the timing jitter data go the following link Jitter. Key Dispersion-Managed Soliton Publications: Solpub.

2. Professor Carter, Professor Govind Rao, and Dr. Jeffrey Sipior have demonstrated robust fluorescence based bio-sensors using the technique of phase fluorometry. One of our key advances was the discovery that low-cost, large bandwidth, single quantum-well light emitting diodes (LED's) in the blue, green, and uv portions of the spectrum make nearly ideal modulatable sources for a wide range of these sensors. Key Bio-Sensor Publications:

For comments or information about research opportunities in Professor Carter's Laboratories: