CSC Working for You in the Winter

The Career Services Center is open during January, offering services to help you find a part-time job for the spring semester and full-time jobs following graduation -- including assistance with resumes, interviewing, and the job search process. We're also hear to help with career decision making and the grad school application process.

We will be open our regularly scheduled business hours, Monday-Friday: 8:30am-5pm. One-on-one, hour-long counseling appointments can be made; 15-minute walk-in appointments are also available Monday-Friday, 2-4pm, for resume critiques and other quick questions.

And as always, online resources are available at www.careers.umbc.edu 24/7! Find the Career Services Center in Math/Psych 204, email careers@umbc.edu, or call us at 410.455.2216.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 8, 2008 9:00 AM.

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The next post in this blog is ANNOUNCEMENTS.

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