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Take the Universum Survey: Get a FREE Career Guide

Voice your opinions at: http://www.universumsurvey.com/us

Because University of Maryland, Baltimore County students are highly
sought after by employers, your opinions are extremely important and valuable sources of information. Top companies, including many that recruit University of Maryland, Baltimore County students, base their recruiting strategies on Universum's research so it will truly benefit you and others on campus to share your opinions on recruiting and employers. Companies will only see the collective University of Maryland, Baltimore County results, and your participation/identity will be kept confidential.

In appreciation for your time you will receive a free copy of the career guide Industries and Careers for Undergraduate Students (a $27.95 value!)

Take the survey now at http://www.universumsurvey.com/us. (For best result, please cut and paste the link if it's not active in your email)

Because we appreciate your feedback, thirty students from University of
Baltimore County will also have the option to:
1) Donate life-saving vaccine to children in developing countries
2) Help slow down global warming by off-setting 150lbs of CO2
3) Donate $5 to the U.S. Fund for UNICEF
4) Receive a $5 gift certificate from GiveFun.com

Two great, resume boosting Grand Prizes will be awarded:
§ Olympic Program*, (2 weeks, including air, lodging, Mandarin classes.
§ Volunteer Program* (2 weeks, including air, lodging, Spanish classes.
Ecuador/Costa Rica)
* These opportunities (a $10,000 value!) are provided by EF International


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 25, 2008 9:09 AM.

The previous post in this blog was CAREER FAIR.

The next post in this blog is FREE Practice Tests.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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