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USPTO Virtual Career Fair

The US Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) will host a nation-wide Virtual Career Fair for Patent Examiners from April 1st, through April 29th.

USPTO has an aggressive goal to hire 1200 engineers and scientists for the full time position of Patent Examiner this year.

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has been serving the economic interests of America for more than 200 years. We are responsible for granting US intellectual property rights for patents and trademarks. Our efforts have provided inventors exclusive rights over their discoveries. It's an effort that continues to contribute to a strong global economy, to encourage investment in innovation and to cultivate an entrepreneurial spirit for the 21st century.

What makes this career really exciting? Patent Examiner expertise focuses on analyzing
advanced, innovative and complex concepts. Patent Examiners have a well-defined career path that provides specific milestones to reach for while making sustained progress throughout their career.

Seeking candidates with a minimum of a four-year degree in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering and Physics are encouraged to visit the website to register and meet with current patent examiners and interview with Supervisor Patent Examiners.

Qualified candidates may be eligible for a recruitment incentive of upto $9,900 per year for a maximum of four years. A service agreement will be required.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Jones@uspto.gov or call (800) 642-5670 and anyone who answers the phone should be able to assist you.

At the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, Patent Examiners review patent applications to determine if they comply with basic rules and legal requirements. Patent Examiners research the subject matter claimed in patent applications and communicate the findings on the patentability of applications to inventors or patent practitioners.


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