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December Grads -- We Need Your Help with the Graduating Student Report!

Once again UMBC will be asking graduating students to complete the
Graduating Student Survey. This survey is quick and online and
primarily asks about your post-UMBC plans. We want to hear from
everyone, even if your plans aren't yet finalized. UMBC collects this
information so we can compile relevant and recent data about employment
offers, graduate/professional school acceptances, and salary averages to
share with faculty, employers, and perhaps most importantly, future UMBC
students. You'll have an opportunity to complete the Report as you pick
up your cap and gown (December 1st - 3rd). For those students not
walking in commencement ceremonies, there will also be an opportunity to
complete the online survey via a follow up email request. Everyone who
completes the Report will be entered to win an iPod Shuffle. Best of
luck and thank you in advance for your support of this important
information gathering effort!


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 24, 2008 9:01 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Igert Fellows Program.

The next post in this blog is Need a Job Spring Semester?.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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