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Part-Time Featured Job

Equal Opportunity Program Student Assistant
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
UMBCworks ID#:9232210 (login to UMBCworks via the Jobs & Internships "Topic" in myUMBC)

1. 20 - 40 hours per week
2. Can work full time during vacations and breaks.
3. Provide assistance and support to Equal Opportunity Program Managers and staff in accomplishing the mission of the office.
4. Wide variety of duties.
5. Must be a current student.
6. May be eligible for annual leave and sick leave. No other benefits available
7. Must be a United States Citizen.
8. Salary $14 - $16 per hour depending on skills and appointing authority.

Preferred Skills include most or all of the following:

1. Computer Skills:
a. MS Office Tools
b. EXCEL/PowerPoint
c. Graphics/Adobe
d. Web Development/maintenance

2. Writing and communication skills
3. Administrative skills
4. Knowledge or interest in social justice programs
5. Demonstration of leadership skills

Goddard Space Flight Center
Equal Opportunity Programs Office
Code 120
Greenbelt, MD 20770


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 9, 2009 9:16 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Full-Time Entry Level Featured Job.

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