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« Nobel Laureate Doris Lessing | Main | Sticks and Stones »

November 7, 2007 |Permalink |Comments (5)

Reverse Reverse Aging

One thing that people who write books about their ability to "stop and even reverse aging" do (without even being aware that they are doing it) is set up a natural experiment. Surely the author of an anti-aging book will remain, shall we say, "forever young."

How about this book...


An author with insights this unprecedented, this earth shattering, this history-making would surely use them for his own benefit- don't you think?

This is a picture of Dr. Chopra...


And this is a picture of Dr. Chopra...


I know what you are thinking.

You are thinking "Holy Cow that stuff really does work, Dr. Chopra looks super young!" But, umm actually, Dr. Chopra is the gentleman on the left not the gentleman on the right.

It turns out that when the author of "Grow Younger Live Longer" turns sixty-- he looks (drum roll please) like a sixty year old man!

Will wonders never cease?

Comments ( 5)

And now, on Oprah's website:

"Dr. Oz is back to reveal more of his anti-aging plan! Get to know the world's expert on your body. Plus, the three steps to protect yourself and start turning back the clock today!"

In one of the original Star Trek episodes, there was a planet on which no one ever died. Boy, was it crowded! So they surreptitiously sent some of their people to the Enterprise with the hope that they would catch an illness and bring it back to their planet to cause death and ease the overcrowding.

Where are we going to put all of these older-than-old people anyway? Perhaps the younger ones could stop procreating, or send their newborns to, say, Mars, so Earth won't become overpopulated.

Plain fact is every generation has to die so the ones coming along behind have a place to live. Like it or not, our dear planet is a finite place.

I would think that an author whose philosophical roots stem from Hinduism would teach an acceptance of aging. But, that wouldn't sell as many books.

I'm with you. Like the purveyors of the numerous diet books, this author sees an opportunity for making money. He knows what sells and he knows his target market well, the affluent American baby-boomer facing the challenges of caring for aging parents. We know it won't be long before we are in their shoes. What are we to do? We crave a quick fix. In just 10 steps and for just a few sheckles, our troubles can be over. And to make it even easier, we can get the magical answer in LARGE PRINT. How thoughtful. I don't even need my reading glasses!

This is an intersting discussion. I have worked in the senior living environment for the past 12 years. Only recently have I began to see seniors taking new steps to "reverse" the aging process. Traditional methods have included eating healthy and exercise. New alternatives include consulting with plastic surgeons. Times are changing...

Wally you are smokin' it way to go...

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