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November 20, 2008 |Permalink |Comments (3)

What Are Old People For? Live BLog

Guest Live blogger LU!

2:30 pm Here we go

2:35 pm What are old people for? cool, he wrote/published a book,

2:40 pm Writing a book sounds like a lot of commitment (needs original idea, thousands of hours)
The Writer's Market <---- I should buy that book for book proposal
I have to write a book proposal before I can write a book??!!
I have to identify MY audience? This is starting to sound more about the market/business

2:45 pm Thinking fresh and original
Outline/detailed notes by HAND??
don't cross out/ correct anything in first draft (sounds like good advice, I think I'll try
that next time)

2:50 pm Ouch, why would he tear it apart like that? That's tough...I would just cry if I had to go
on 2 years of work. I guess constructive criticism is necessary though. Publisher,
Copy Editor, Bluelines, how long does this take again?

2:55 pm You don't get to choose the title or cover of you own book? Wow...that sucks.
Inside flap sounds difficult to summarize.
Instant books? manuscript to shelf is 18 months. I thought it would take
3:00 pm Haha, so an important message is worth around $30,000.
Wrinkles...blah...I think I'm going to avoid the sun as much as possible now.

3:05 pm If grandparenting is so important, what about when human life spans were shorter?
I would definitely prefer to live in the society with elders. I'm not sure what I can learn
about life lessons and virtues when I am 29.

3:10 pm I hate being treated like a child and expected to act like an adult.
Adulthood doesn't sound fun at all. Why do we all have to follow it though?

3:15 pm Yeah, where the heck is our free time? Where does it all go? It's so ironic that we work
more than a peasant in Medieval times. What is this answer that Elders have for us?

3:18 pm How many books did he write? His other book sounds something like "The Giver".

Comments ( 3)

LOL old people do server their purpose, mostly as a reminder of the cycle of life, which truly fascinates me

Thanks for live blogging Dr. Bill's talk.

I actually thought this lecture was very interesting. I have always wanted to write an autobiography and get it published. After Dr. Thomas told us how difficult it is to get a book published I think I’ll just make my life a movie lol.It also sucks how you can’t choose your book cover...No fun!

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