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« The Rubber Hand Illusion | Main | Face Lift »

December 2, 2008 |Permalink |Comments (0)

Sam is Guest Blogging Aging 100

2:30 - Reflecting on how he felt at this time of year in the time of our lives.
2:40 - Conflict between generations will increase as the economy goes more into a recession. Collection of aging, anti-aging, anti-anti-aging, and developmental aging. Changing the course from AGNG100 to AMP100 because aging is a black flag.
2:45 - Older people are presented in an unfavorable light if presented at all in younger children's books which lead to anti-aging movement. This is a great point, think of Cinderella the wicked step mother. Older people are letting the thought of getting old be taken negatively by trying to change how they look. Crone is a withered old hag, women are giving this name to other women to hold it proud as a push back against the anti-aging impulse.
2:50 - People who stop or reverse aging that can't stop it or reverse it for themselves. Final frontier of anti-aging is the radical life extension people, people that think they will live unlimited lives (the fountain of youth). Radical calorie restriction will lead to living longer but you'll be hungry all the time lose more weight then comfortable, will be cold all the time.
2:55 - Maximum life span oldest known 120 y/o. Genes that make you young can have reverse consequences on you when your in your 110's. Genetically the human organism should have only a 120 year life span.
3:00 - Wrinkles will appear on schedule and show about the life the person have lived.
Greek Myth about aging - Goddess of the Dawn of the Day Eos had a thing for mortal men and was in love with Tithinis Prince of Troy, asked Zeus to make him immortal, she notices a grey hair then he got older and older (he got really old), so she turned him into a locust
Second Greek Myth - Goddess of the moon Saline also loved the mortal men, one night she fell in love with a Greek shepherd, Amnion, and Zeus made him immortal, gave him the opportunity to stay for ever young, and perpetual sleep.
3:15 - Whole body ages at roughly the same rate over the many decades that are aging which is over the age of 28. Aging starts in your late 20's the speed stays consistent forever, what makes people different is how much age people have accumulated. Aging is an intrinsic process. If you want to live a life you are going to age. Parallel between Myths and the Caloric Restrictions live longer without

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