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UMBC a Top School to Study Video Game Design

The Princeton Review listed the top schools to study video game design for the year 2012, and UMBC received an honorable mention for its program. This recognition places the university among schools such as Georgia Institute of Technology, UC Santa Cruz and Northeastern University.

UMBC is generally known for its exceptional science programs, so this honor only adds to the diversity of high caliber classes acknowledged at the university.

The Princeton Review list features 50 schools from across the country that excel in video game design. Additionally, the list includes a "top ten" of undergraduate and graduate institutions in the category.

The process for determining the rankings is based on a survey implemented by The Princeton Review during the 2011-2012 academic year that sought considerations from administrators at 150 schools and universities. The criteria used to judge the winning schools comprised quality of the curriculum, faculty, facilities and infrastructure, as well as scholarship, financial aid and career opportunities.

"We salute the schools on our list this year for their commitment to this burgeoning field and the innovative programs they offer," Robert Franek, The Princeton Review's Senior VP/Publisher, said in a press release. "For students aspiring to work in this more than $10.5 billion industry and for the companies that will need their creative talents and skills, we hope this project will serve as a catalyst for many rewarding connections."

Students interested in pursuing a career in video game design at UMBC can find opportunities in the Computer Science Department and the Visual Arts Department. There are tracks for both artists and computer programmers. Students can concentrate on animation and interactive media, while others who are more interested in the designing aspect can focus on the game development track within the Computer Science major. Furthermore, for the past four years UMBC's Game Development club has hosted the International Development Association's Global Game Jam.

For more info on Game Design, go to http://gaim.umbc.edu/


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