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The Collegiate Success Institute at UMBC

Every summer, new UMBC students get a jump start on their college career by participating in the Collegiate Success Institute (CSI). During this six-week summer bridge program incoming UMBC students can earn 4 to 7 credits, ease into campus life, and discover the UMBC campus and the surrounding area. With the CSI program, first year students get a chance to experience the UMBC campus before the start of the fall semester. The whole purpose of a summer bridge is to incorporate academics, campus exploration, self discovery, and social activities to prepare students for success at UMBC. What does this mean for students participating in CSI?

-CSI students have three courses to select from and these courses are exactly what new students need and enjoy. Getting an A or two over the summer is a great confidence boost!

-Interesting on- and off-campus activities introduce CSI students to the campus and local attractions. CSI students get to know each other through these activities, a community service project, structured study time, and evening and social events. We have many adventures outside the classroom including trips to the surrounding area (Baltimore and Washington DC) and a chance to learn about the campus. There are also evening activities such as trivia and movie nights as well.

-Students in CSI continue to receive individualized support for academic and personal concerns throughout their first year at UMBC. The assistant director and peer mentors will continue to mentor and advise CSI students during the fall and spring semesters to help in any way they can.

-The CSI program includes outstanding faculty members, professional staff, undergraduate peer mentors, and other students in the program. All of these people will get to know each CSI student and support them through their transition to UMBC.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 8, 2013 11:19 AM.

The previous post in this blog was For Second Time in Three Weeks, Pat Young Named America East Men's Lacrosse Rookie of the Week.

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