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Dr. Robert C. Reno selected as UMBC Presidential Teaching Professor, 2007-2010

Robert Reno

Robert C. Reno, Associate Professor and Associate Chair of Physics, has made remarkable contributions to the education of UMBC undergraduate and graduate students. During his 33-year teaching career at UMBC, Reno has taught a total number of 160 courses and developed seven original courses, many serving as the foundation of UMBC’s physics program. He redesigned two undergraduate laboratory courses, incorporating computerized data acquisition. In spring 2007, Reno debuted a new honors course that introduces students to advanced experiments using radioactive materials and x-ray generators. His work in the area of peer instruction was one of the first implementations of group learning on campus and the first in the physics department. A recipient of numerous awards, Reno has received two UMBC DRIF/SRIS awards and a U.S. Army Summer Research Fellowship. Reno earned a B.S. in physics from Manhattan College. He also earned his M.A. and Ph.D. in physics from Brandeis University. Dr. Reno was honored at the UMBC Presidential Faculty & Staff Awards Ceremony on April 11, 2007.