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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 23, 2012 3:35 PM.

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The next post in this blog is SURF 2012.

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Dr. Sanjit Karmakar '12 in The Baltimore Sun

Sanjit Karmakar
UMBC fellow makes breakthrough in 'ghost imaging'
Quantum camera a sophisticated new way of taking pictures

Sanjit Karmakar, a post-doctoral physics fellow at UMBC is doing research in "ghost imaging" using a quantum camera and sunlight
July 13, 2012 | By Jonathan Pitts, The Baltimore Sun

Visit the campus of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County on any cloudless afternoon, and you're likely to happen on an intriguing sight: a slender fellow bent over a contraption that looks like a cross between an 1890s camera and a bulky steamer trunk.

That would be Sanjit Karmakar, a post-doctoral physics fellow who's using his "magic box" to take pictures by following the sun across the sky. One day, the pictures will be of objects thousands of miles away.