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Full-Time Entry Level Job

Biological Science Technician
Agricultural Research Service - USD (CIU)
UMBCworks ID#: 9231231 (login to UMBCworks via the Services tab in myUMBC)

Provides technical support to an Animal Geneticist researching ways to improve sheep production and product quality and consistency using genetic (quantitative and molecular) and environmental approaches.Major Duties: Seeking well-organized person with a keen interest and aptitude for working with sheep records in an extensive database. Records include pedigrees, weights, lambing information, which animals are assigned to research projects, and additional sheep data. This person will also use handheld computers for data collection.Keeps exact, detailed records of experimental data and protocols using personal computers, databases, software and statistical packages (e.g., Excel, Word, SAS, PowerPoint, and MySQL). This includes locating and compiling data and other information from various sources.Conducts a range of molecular genetic techniques (e.g., DNA and RNA isolation, PCR, electrophoresis, real-time PCR, sequencing, molecular cloning, and ELISA).Operates, maintains, and calibrates laboratory equipment, such as centrifuges, thermocyclers, electrophoresis equipment, and spectrophotometer.


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