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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 18, 2008 10:59 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Derek Smith successfully defends PhD.

The next post in this blog is Brad Gates successfully defends MS.

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Simon Gray Chosen as UMBC Valedictorian

Mr. Simon Gray, a graduating senior in the department of Chemical & Biochemical Engineering, has been chosen as UMBC’s 2008 Valedictorian.

Simon not only has an outstanding record of academic accomplishment, including a 4.0 GPA, but graduated from High School a year early and has finished all the requirements (and then some) for the Chemical Engineering B.S. degree in just three years. In addition to his course work, Simon completed an internship at Lyondell Chemical Company, and has excelled in undergraduate research. During the summer 2007, Mr. Gray was supported by the National Science Foundation to perform bioremediation research through a program organized by the Ocean University of China. His project analyzed the microbial diversity of crude oil contaminated soil of the Yellow River Delta in Shandong Province, China. In addition, he has performed on campus undergraduate research in the laboratory of Dr. Jennie Leach focused on miniaturizing oxygen sensor technology through the use of biocompatible polymers.

Simon’s aspirations are to be a physician/scientist with his own company. He has been accepted to study at Cambridge next year in a unique program which will combine both advanced studies in Chemical Engineering and Business/Management; after which he will pursue his MD/PhD. In addition, Simon is the recipient of the extremely competitive and tremendously prestigious Gates Cambridge Scholarship.

Simon conducting High School outreach project as part of ENCH 427 Heat and Mass Transfer, with colleagues from Senior Design class (ENCH 446), and standing on Great Wall of China during Summer Internship.