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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 3, 2008 12:46 PM.

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MS Defense - Jessica Drew

You are all invited to attend Jessica Drew's MS thesis defense.

Date: Tuesday, July 8th
Time: 10 am
Location: ITE 227

Some refreshments will be provided, however no food is allowed in the
actual room.

Title: Application of High Throughput Bioreactors in
Subclone Selection

Abstract: The demand for monoclonal antibodies in pharmaceutical drug production
requires the highest technology be invested in obtaining a stable, high
producing cell line. Currently the most common method of selection is by
limiting dilution cloning, done in well plates. The highest producing
cell is chosen after samples from the stationary plates have been
analyzed for antibody production. The selection is based on stationary
culture, even though after scale-up cells will grow in a stirred
environment. This research investigates a way to test multiple clones in
a stirred environment by using high throughput bioreactors (HTBRs) in the
early stages of clone selection. It has been found that simply selecting
subclones based on results from stationary culture could result in the
chance of missing even higher producing clones. Instead, choosing a
clone after analyzing its performance in a stirred environment is an
improved method to select a cell line for further scale-up.