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February 13, 2008 |Permalink |Comments (2)

Hell On Earth

Ruth at Cab Drollery goes strong to the hoop. This is the opening but please do not miss the conclusion.

Verily I say unto you, I missed something in the transition from born again Christian whose favorite philosopher is Jesus Christ to torture advocate violating the laws he swore to enforce.

There will not be a passing of the plate or a healing ceremony to follow.

There was something else in the Bible about a Sermon on the Mount, beginning with the Beatitudes (blessings earned by doing the right thing), which is the crib notes on that message in the New Testament. It was about the poor and unfortunate, not getting rich. I recall that it was about the real object of Christian charity, and there was nothing about rich people being expected to spread the good works if you gave them a big pile of money.

I have this distinct impression that the main character in the New Testament thought it was easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into paradise. Guess he saw some of the same kind of logic we're seeing out of this White House justifying stealing from the poor to give to the rich.

Other funny things that have happened to the faith I was raised in, is this association with toughness. The teachings I got included Jesus healing the ear of the Roman soldier that his disciple Peter had just cut off. Waterboarding and sleep deprivation, extreme temperatures, threats, sorry, I missed that part. There is nothing about taking the lives of innocents to advance an abstract concept such as security or democracy, either.

Comments ( 2)

Hi, Dr. Bill, thanks for the link. I was afraid I'd get nutcase comments, but so far, no such bad luck.

Hope this doesn't show up twice, I already posted it but something didn't act right.

Oh I do like Ruth. Two entries earlier she lambasts the Blue insurance company for their end run around the California Court decision. That's headline news here today. I'm thinking of this as I go see my new doctor using my new insurance knowing I cannot afford the co-pay on all my meds. I've already cut the dosages in half, what's next? Has Ruth written about this already?

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