Digital Stories @ UMBC

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August 20 - Fall Digital Storytelling Community of Practice Meeting

We have scheduled our pre-semester meeting to talk about digital storytelling activities on Friday, August 20 in the International Media Center. This year we would try something a little different. It seems that our discussions have evolved to include a number of facets of our storytelling practice. Rather than trying to fit everything into a one hour meeting we will have three consecutive one-hour sessions, each dealing with a specific topic. You can join us for all or any of the sessions, depending on your interests. The tentative schedule is as follows:

11:00 - A discussion of assessment techniques for digital story assignments, including a review of existing rubrics
12:00 - A general discussion of support of digital assignments on campus and a review of what everyone is planning for the upcoming semester.
1:00 - A hands-on open lab "brush-up" session on Final Cut Express in which we will review the basics and answer your questions.

RSVPs are not necessary but please let us know if you are interested in any of these sessions, particularly the lab session as space may be limited. Also please let us know if you have additional ideas for topics or questions you would like to see covered.