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How do I...Top 5 SA Questions for Fall 09

Below are the top five questions that the SA Team has received about using Student Administration, and answers to help you prepare for the new Fall 09 term.

1. How can I download my class roster to Excel? Class rosters can be viewed by class instructors, and is accessible via myUMBC, Topics, Faculty Center, Teaching Schedule. After opening your class roster, click once on the spreadsheet icon in the column header. If you are using Internet Explorer, be sure to hold down the CTRL key when you click the icon and continue holding it UNTIL the dialog box opens. Click here for a quick reference guide for steps to using this feature.

2. How do I grant a student permission to enroll in a closed class? There are two types of permissions in Student Administration; Class Exceptions and Class Permissions. When you want to provide a student permission to enroll in a closed class, you are granting the student an exception to a class. The steps to granting a student an expection to a class require that the instructor, or someone from the academic department, generate permission numbers for the closed class, and send the student one of the permission numbers for the class. To learn more, please follow the specific steps outlined in the Granting Class Exceptions quick reference guide or video tutorial.

3. Where do I add the student's ID number when I grant them permission to a class? Depending on how your class was setup for registration, you may or may not have to add the student's ID number when granting a permission. Only PERMISSION ONLY classes require you to add a student's ID number when granting a permission. If your class requires permission for a student to enroll in the class, regardless of how many students are in your class, then your class is considered permission only. Permission only classes require you to identify the specific student that will register for your class. A quick reference guide and video tutorial are available and can be accessed by clicking on the links.

If your class DOES NOT require that a student get prior permission to enroll in your class, then you need to follow the steps for granting an EXCEPTION to a class, such as a CLOSED CLASS permission. A quick reference guide and video tutorial are available and can be accessed by clicking on the links.

4. Why can't I view a class roster for my department? Only the instructors for a class are able to view a class roster using the links on the Faculty Center in myUMBC. If you are not an instructor for a class, then to view the class roster you must be a department administrator (i.e., Chair, Academic Administrator). Click here to view the quick reference guide for how to view class rosters as a department administrator. Contact customer support at x53838 if you have questions about becoming a department administrator for your academic department.

5. How can I locate a student's campus ID? To search for a student in SA, it is recommended that you use the student's Campus ID. If you do not know a student's Campus ID, you can locate it using the Lookup ID link in the Faculty Center of myUMBC. Click here for instructions on how to use the Lookup ID.


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