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Attention CMSC students! Convergent Technologies

Attention CMSC students! Convergent Technologies located on UMBC’s campus is looking for students for the positions linked below. Interns must be US citizens and would preferably live on campus.
C/C++ Programmer – A full/part time position developing/maintaining software written in the C/C++ programming language. Applicants should have experience developing software for at least one of the following Operating Systems: Windows/Linux/Solaris/Win CE/Palm OS/Embedded Linux/VxWorks. Assembly Language Programming experience is also highly desired.
Java Programmer – A full/part time position developing/maintaining software written in the Java programming language. Applicants should have experience developing software for at least one of the following Operating Systems: Windows/Linux/Solaris/Win CE/Palm OS/Embedded Linux/VxWorks.
Contact Casey Miller at The Shriver Center at cmille1@umbc.edu.
If you are not already released to apply for internship or co-op positions on UMBCworks by The Shriver Center than you must first meet with a coordinator to have your resume reviewed and released. Call The Shriver Center at (410) 455-2493 to schedule your appointment.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 1, 2006 3:05 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Baxter BioScience is looking for a Research Intern.

The next post in this blog is Lockheed Martin Corporation is looking for interns.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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