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Internships with GE

GE's Global Research Center is searching for exceptional students to work in Niskayuna, NY this summer! If you have a 3.0 GPA, unrestricted work authorization in the US and are majoring in MechE, CompE, CMSC, ChemE, CHEM, MATH, PHYS, or BIO, check out this position today!

GE's Global Research Center provides challenging intern assignments for exceptional students who are looking to get a critical jump start on their Industrial Research careers. These assignments offer an opportunity to be a team member in one of GE Research's labs and to gain hands on experience on meaningful projects. The intern program generally
consists of a 10 week assignment during the summer time period and has a robust framework, including weekly seminars on cross center technology, Six Sigma and soft skills development. Several forums for networking and for show-casing your project accomplishments are offered. You"ll enjoy
the satisfaction of seeing your work make a difference while you gain valuable experience. You"ll apply your theoretical knowledge to real-life technical problems, and develop your skills in a cutting edge global environment.

You must be an undergraduate student enrolled in an accredited college or university and have completed your sophomore year. Degree programs include, ME, Aero E, EE, Comp E, Comp Sci, Chem E, Chemistry, Math/Applied Math, Physics, Biosciences, BioMed, Biology and related degree programs. You must have established strong academic performance
(3.0/4.0 GPA or better), demonstrated leadership ability, good
interpersonal skills, initiative, high self-confidence and a
demonstrated interest in a career in Industrial Research & Development.

Candidates MUST have UNRESTRICTED work authorization for the U.S.

Must be willing to work out of an office located in Niskayuna, NY. Must be willing to take a drug test and submit to a background investigation as part of the selection process. Must be 18 years or older. You must submit your application for employment through GECareers.com to be considered!! The Shriver Center will not send resumes!

It started with the light bulb. In order for the light bulb to
illuminate, electricity was needed, and since no challenge was too big for the entrepreneurs of the early GE, they built the systems that brought electricity and light to the world. This is the heritage of GE, and it continues today at GE Global Research, when the challenges are no less daunting and the promises no less consequential. Today, we are:
*Creating new ways for doctors to "see" inside the human body so that diseases can be diagnosed and treated before they even start.
*Developing the energy systems of the future that will provide power and protect the planet.
*Powering flight so that people can travel farther, faster, and more safely.
*Building intelligent systems that monitor and protect, bringing people peace of mind.

An Equal Opportunity Employer GE is an equal opportunity employer, offering a great work environment, challenging career opportunities, professional training and competitive compensation.

The United States has regulations that govern the hiring of current or former U.S. Government employees. If you currently work for (or have in the past) the U.S. Government (in any capacity), you may have certain responsibilities under these regulations and certain restrictions may apply to your potential employment with GE. Therefore, if you are contacted by GE regarding a position of employment, and you have worked for the U.S. Government at any time, please immediately inform the GE representative of this fact.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 26, 2007 2:36 PM.

The previous post in this blog was *Intern Information Session for Baltimore Clayworks*.

The next post in this blog is Service Learning Opportunities.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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