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PAID Full-time Internships for Summer 2007

Minority Access, Inc., a 501 (c)(3) non-profit educational organization which administers internships for Federal agencies and other entities, is accepting applications from qualified college students, undergraduates and graduates, for paid full time internships for Summer 2007. The deadline for applying is March 1, 2007.
Applications Available at: http://www.minorityaccess.org/

The program allows gifted college students to experience the wide scope and diversity of career opportunities. Interns placed through Minority Access have designed web pages, created spreadsheets and databases, conducted research, drafted proposals, authored publications, assisted in formulating policies, suggested cost saving innovations and provided fresh approaches to completing many other assignments. Minority Access supports individuals, institutions, Federal agencies and corporations of all kinds to diversify their campuses and work sites by improving the recruitment, retention and enhancement of minorities.

We provide students with pre-employment training to facilitate a smooth transition to the program; seminars and workshops to enhance professional and personal growth; opportunities for social interaction among interns of diverse backgrounds; and other activities throughout the summer. We encourage students of al majors to apply and applications must be completed and returned by the published deadline.

For assistance with your application, contact the Shriver Center.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 16, 2007 4:22 PM.

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