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PAID Graphic Design & Marketing Internship in Canton

Encore Path (http://www.encorepath.com), which is located in Baltimore- Canton, is interested in hiring a Graphic Design student. The internship pays $12 per hour.

The intern will help develop marketing materials for the early 2009 launch of its first product, an exercise device for stroke patients. Duties include developing hardcopy marketing materials, booth displays for trade shows, and updating a new website that will launch in Sept 2008.

Required Credentials
Marketing coursework, demonstrated interest in marketing and graphic design

If interested, please apply via UMBCworks under Internships or e-mail your resume to Christine Routzahn at The Shriver Center at routzahn@umbc.edu


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 11, 2008 10:05 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Research Assistantship with Clinical Insights.

The next post in this blog is Ending Sweaty Palms: Intern and Co-op Interview Skills Workshop.

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