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Graduate Research Intern Needed ASAP

Action Research & Associates, Inc. in Ellicott City, MD (www.actionresearchinc.com) is interested in a Graduate Research Intern familiar with SPSS. Grad student -- MA or PhD candidate -- needed who might be interested in working part time on some interesting research projects. The intern will be involved in research evaluating science education and teacher training programs for the U.S. Department of Ed, Department of Defense, Prince George County and the University of Maryland's Chancellor's Office. A part time intern is needed to help conduct site visits, conduct and writing up classroom instruction evaluations, perform some SPSS work, and other duties. Experienced with SPSS ideal.

This position pays $10 per hour.

Apply via this position on UMBCworks or send your resume to Christine Routzahn at The Shriver Center (routzahn@umbc.edu)


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 11, 2008 4:31 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Legislative Intern Needed.

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