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Be Part of Higher Achievement!

Higher Achievement is a non-profit organization that helps underserved middle-school students, referred to as “scholars”, improve their grades, attendance, and standardized test scores, culminating in acceptance to top high schools in Baltimore. During the scholars’ four years in Higher Achievement, they study social-justice oriented curricula; work with three mentors per week; self select enriching elective courses; and participate in academic contests, university stays, and field trips. Higher Achievement’s strong network of mentors is instrumental to the success of its program. Higher Achievement is currently recruiting mentors for the October launch of its After-School Academy in Baltimore.


What: Mentors work with a small group of intellectually curious 5th and 6th grade scholars in either Math, Literature, or Seminar.
When: Mentors commit to working with three scholars for two hours a week during the school year, from 6:00 to 8:00pm.
Why: Higher Achievement provides significant support to its mentors, including scripted, structured, and easy-to-use lessons; an extensive orientation session; and ongoing support and training. Teaching experience is not necessary. Mentors bring their enthusiasm and commitment, and serve as positive role models to the scholars. In return for giving their time and effort, mentors receive the rewarding experience of making a lasting impact on a young person’s life.
How: Higher Achievement will hold an Information Session at UMBC on Wednesday, September 9th from 12-1pm in PUP 107 (conference room 107 on the 1st floor of the Public Policy building). If you are interested in becoming a mentor but cannot attend the session, apply online at www.higherachievement.org. To learn more about this opportunity, contact mentorbaltimore@higherachievement.org or 410-752-7753.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 4, 2009 3:22 PM.

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