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STEM Majors Needed for College Access Program

Service-Learning positions (with stipends) available with local Middle Schools. ACCES (Adventures in College & Career Exploration in STEM) is a program that enhances middle school students' interest in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math courses and post-secondary education. The Shriver Center is seeking 9 Fellows to tutor and mentor students and assist teachers in enhancing their instruction in STEM subjects.

Responsibilities include planning and leading after-school activities, tutoring, mentoring, introducing middle school students to the college experience, promoting STEM courses and high school preparation, leading technology sessions, and supporting students in creating individual career plans.

These positions require a time commitment of 3-5 hrs/week and STEM majors are preferred. There are different time slots available: during the school day, after school, and on Saturdays (the schools have different needs). Depending on the school, there may be some flexibility in schedule for in-school support. Fellows must have their own transportation. A stipend is offered. Reimbursement for transportation may also be provided.

Please note that this will be a competitive process! Target closing date for recruitment is Friday, September 18th at 5 pm. If interested and/or have any questions, contact Melissa Huselton at huselton@umbc.edu.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 11, 2009 11:48 AM.

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