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Growth and Nutrition Division at the University of Maryland School of Medicine Seeks Interns

The Growth and Nutrition Division at the University of Maryland School of Medicine currently has volunteer positions and research internships available. The division conducts research with Pediatric patients and their families. Research interns gain experience in pediatric psychology, medicine, and get hands-on data collection experience.

With all volunteer/intern positions there are opportunities to attend meetings and seminars that allow for academic, career, and personal development. Additionally, all volunteers are required to complete human subjects research training (CITI) and HIPAA training, which is a valuable experience for anyone thinking of doing research, science, or medicine. Finally, parking vouchers are available for volunteers and volunteers may be able to get meal vouchers as well.

Children’s HealthWatch is a unique research and advocacy collaboration of pediatric specialists and advocates from six medical institutions across the United States, including a site in Baltimore. The goals of Children’s HealthWatch are to provide direct interventions for children at-risk for growth and nutrition problems and to research, educate, and inform policymakers regarding public programs that impact children's health and empower families through special outreach programs. Interns with Children’s HealthWatch get first-hand experience interviewing families in a medical setting, linking families to community resources, as well as experience in dissemination of research findings through involvement in writing groups and data analysis projects.

IF INTERESTED, apply via UMBCworks to Intern position 9241756.
If you currently do not have a resume approved on UMBCworks for intern listings, please follow the simple directions found at: http://shrivercenter.umbc.edu/student_howdoigetstarted.html


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 19, 2010 9:46 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Shriver Center Lunch and Learn Series: Business and Finance - Mon. 9/27 @ Noon, Commons 331.

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