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Shriver Center Lunch & Learn Series: Homeland Security

Get a jump start on your profession by obtaining advice from industry experts and learn how to get an internship/co-op in the field of Homeland Security!

This Monday, September 20th
12Noon to 1pm
Commons 331

Panel Members INCLUDE:
Brenda Brooks, Deputy Chief
Student Programs Division
National Security Agency (NSA)

Amy Coveyou, Senior Consultant
Booz Allen Hamilton

Robert Seasonwein, Assistant Chief Counsel
Field Transportation Security, (BWI, SBY, HGR)
BWI Thurgood Marshall Airport

John Sheridan, Special Agent & Regional Recruiter
Federal Bureau of Investigation

This unique panel will: 1) give students an opportunity to meet and network with a diverse group of industry professionals representing various occupations in homeland security; 2) arm students with practical advice about their major and tips on getting ahead in the "real world" including the importance of internships/co-ops/research; and 3) allow students to clarify their occupational interests/options, make informed career decisions, and obtain current information and trends including salary information in today's industries.

These panels will also provide students with an invaluable opportunity to hear first-hand from a variety of successful professionals and student leaders who are engaged in substantive internships and co-op positions within the organizations above.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 15, 2010 10:02 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Serve at the Maryland Food Bank on Fridays!.

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