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UMBC ResLife Graphic Design & Marketing Internship

RESPONSIBILITIES: The Residential Life Graphic Design & Marketing Intern will spearhead video/visual marketing of Residential Life initiatives for paraprofessional staff, campus residents, videos for monthly E-Loop, viral video projects and will assist with Spring Virtual Tour project. Specific tasks include video/sound editing, graphic design, facilitating communication between stakeholders for idea collaboration, recruiting student actors for specific projects, scheduling students for video filming, assisting with script preparation (if applicable), assisting with film shoots, assisting other offices with outreach to residential students as needed, and taking pictures for Residential Life as needed. Will be involved with Residential Life Marketing and Communications team to create solutions that are current with trends. Will assist with student focus groups and other market research to understand what UMBC students will respond to at this point in our history. Will provide a point-person for myUMBC Groups launch. Intern will use his/her knowledge and expertise from their academic discipline as well as his/her interpersonal experiences with students on campus to help reach Residential Life and institutional goals for future initiatives (i.e. Recycling/Sustainability issues, Alcohol Awareness, Fire Safety, Safety on campus, connectivity within residential community etc.)


Education/Experience: Must be a current residential undergraduate or graduate student. Must be able to work well within a team. Must be interested in residential community education and outreach. Must have excellent creativity and “outside the box” thinking. Must be able to work well with simple audio/visual equipment and be familiar with MS Office, Windows Movie Maker, Adobe Photoshop and other audio/visual suites.

SALARY: Student will work approximately 7.5 hours per week (about 120 hours per semester) to receive academic credit in conjunction with the Shriver Center as a site placement for the Spring semester.

APPLICATIONS: Applications are available through UMBCworks. Please login via your myUMBC account to view all information for the position and application instructions. With questions, contact Mike Oettel, The Shriver Center at moettel@umbc.edu

As required by the 1986 Immigration Act, be prepared to present acceptable documentation upon hire showing your identity and that you are a U.S. citizen or an alien who is authorized to work.



This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 21, 2011 9:46 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Refugee Youth Project: Leadership & Volunteer Opportunities this Spring!.

The next post in this blog is Become a Leader in Service: Apply to be a Service-Learning Intern.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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