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PHH Arvalx has positions for CMPE, CMSC, and EENG

Check out these opportunities!

Mobile Developer:
As a mobile application developer, your duties may include
but not be limited to the development of fleet management applications. Collaborate with product experts and information technology as a part of a team, contribute to design, coding, and app testing. Developer will be responsible for coding and
application testing and research and development around the use of mobile technologies for fleet management applications.

Hardware Engineer:
Assist in the development of a kiosk that showcases a
futuristic fleet driver experience. Applicant should have necessary skills to convert data from various user input devices (such as video game controller or RFID reader) to a signal that manual gauges can understand, and data that can be re-used in an application running on an external computer. Software development knowledge and experience a plus.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 7, 2011 4:30 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Go On The Road to GE Healthcare.

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