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Volunteers Needed: Refugee Youth Project @ Patterson Park High School

The mission of the Refugee Youth Project (RYP) is to facilitate a program committed to tutoring and mentoring the adolescent refugee population in Baltimore. UMBC's Service-Learning program is recruiting students to volunteer with RYP at Patterson Park High School on Wednesdays from 2:30-6:30pm. This is an opportunity for the UMBC community to aid in the assimilation of one of the under represented youth groups in Baltimore City and further promote their education while providing a significant window of opportunity that these students would not other wise have access to.

“RYP students come from 17 different countries, including Liberia, Senegal, Mauritania, Eritrea, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Iraq, and Bhutan.”

Transportation by way of the Shriver Center Vans will be provided for all volunteers who sign up with the 096 Practicum. You can buff up your resume and transcript with a service-learning practicum notation.

The Shriver Center encourages volunteers to sign up by February 18th so that they may be available to attend one of the two available mandatory training sessions. The first is on Wednesday, February 16th at John’s Hopkins University and the second is right here on UMBC’s campus on February 21st from 3-6 pm.

This program will be a mutually enriching experience for both the volunteers and students. Contact Manpreet Suri (suri139@gmail.com), Service-Learning Intern for Refugee Youth Project at Patterson Park High School, to reserve your spot and sign up for a training.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 11, 2011 4:57 PM.

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The next post in this blog is TUESDAY- Shriver Center Walk-In Hours: Intern Resume Prep for the Part-time Job & Internship Fair.

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