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Graduating Seniors: AmeriCorps Positions in UMBC's Service-Learning!

Apply to become an AmeriCorps VISTA with UMBC’s Service-Learning Program!

AmeriCorps VISTA members commit to serve as full-time volunteers for one year.

Several positions are open and recruiting high-quality applicants!

• The MDCC VISTA will work with UMBC’s Service-Learning Program and two middle school partners in the implementation of 3 key campus-community projects:
o Plan college access visits to campus for local middle school partners
o Coordinate curriculum-based service-learning projects with middle school partners
o Recruit UMBC students to serve as volunteers for service-learning activities

• The BALTIMORE CARES VISTA positions will divide their time between the Office of the Mayor-City of Baltimore, a community-based program, and UMBC's Service-Learning Program in this new collaboration. The VISTAs will develop and implement an interdisciplinary service-learning curriculum focused on the problem of vacant lots and drug addiction in the city. Multiple VISTA positions available.

• The VISTA member will receive health insurance, a travel allowance (for work-related meetings and events), and a taxable living allowance of approximately $11,200 for the year of full-time service.

• After successfully completing the service year, the VISTA will be eligible to receive either $1,200 in cash or an AmeriCorps Education Award of $5,350 that can be used toward the repayment of student loans or school tuition.

• Complete the AmeriCorps VISTA Positions - Intent to Apply Form that you can access at http://shrivercenter.umbc.edu/students/service-learning/service-learning-forms/ The deadline for completed Intent to Apply forms is 5pm, Friday, April 29th, 2011.

Contact Clare Greene (clare6@umbc.edu) in the Service-Learning Program at The Shriver Center for more information.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 20, 2011 11:25 AM.

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