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Get UMBC Academic Credit for Your Internship!

If you've received an offer for an internship, co-op,or research position, The Shriver Center can help you get a transcript notation PLUS academic credit for that position. It doesn't matter whether you found the position through UMBCworks or on your own, we can help you!

Call The Center at 410-455-2493 and make an appointment, and with a little info from you we will take care of the rest! If you've found the internship on your own (not through UMBCworks), we'll also need a letter from your employer verifying that you'll be interning a total of at least 120 hours over the course of the semester (about 8 to 10 hours per week).

If you haven't found that perfect position just yet, The UMBC Shriver Center has MANY PAID INTERNSHIPS available for ALL majors this upcoming SPRING & SUMMER and we need students to fill them. Keep looking for the positions on UMBCworks, as new ones are posted every day! If you need a refresher on what to do, or you just need your resume released, make an appointment to meet with your coordinator. Stop by the Shriver Center office (1st floor UMBC Public Policy Building) or call 410-455-2493 to schedule the appointment. The appointment will take no longer than half an hour, and we'll go over everything from updating your resume to using UMBCworks to search for and apply to positions. We'll also answer any questions you may have.

Visit our website for more information:

We look forward to seeing you - and helping you get credit - soon.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 7, 2008 10:32 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Obtain a Great Internship via UMBCworks.

The next post in this blog is Several PAID Leadership Positions in Service.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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