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Seeking Creative Individual for Project Management, Research and Design!

Christos J. Palios, Baltimore-based panorama artist, will shoot a photographic period piece as a scene from daily life in the 1930s through the 1940s. While working closely with a local museum, along with 15-20 models and actors, he plans to bring this project to fruition this upcoming May or June. He is seeking one enthusiastic, diligent candidate to assist on a number of levels, from initial preparations and research through to the final shoot date. At this time, this is an unpaid opportunity with potential reward and compensation upon project completion.

Position Overview: ideal candidate must exhibit congeniality and enthusiasm, genuine dedication and synergy when working with artist, museum officials, and most importantly, models and actors. Photographic experience is not mandatory; a creative and resourceful mind is essential! Organization is a must. Considering this is a period piece from a specific era in history, candidate should have knowledge and experience, if not at minimum a great willingness to research authentic clothing worn, cultural etiquette, environmental scene accuracy, prop acquisition, and other details from that time in order ensure an accurate set. Emphasis is on history and fashion/apparel. Candidate should expect approximately 3-5 hours each week for phone and in-person meetings/brainstorming sessions, research, and eventual interviews and vintage apparel shopping with models and actors.

Christos intends this to be fun, collaborative, and artistically-stimulating. Final artwork will be added to his edition-limited portfolio and advertised via various venues, including his website. Please send resume links or attached files in PDF or DOC formats. Only serious inquiries, please. Thank you!

You can visit his work at: www.giantcolorfulrevolution.com. If interested, send resume to Mike Oettel at The Shriver Center, moettel@umbc.edu.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 13, 2009 4:06 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Apply for a Summer Internship at Wolf Trap National Park for the Performing Arts!.

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