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Transport Yourself to a Great Summer Internship

Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) Fellows Internship Program
Additional information on how to apply can be found at: www.shrivercenter.org/mdot
Deadline: Monday, March 16, 2009

The Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) Fellows Internship Program is designed to introduce Maryland’s most promising college students to the rewards and challenges of working within Maryland’s integrated transportation system. Interns can gain experience in policy development, marketing, international relations, computer networking, engineering, planning and financing, public relations, and neighborhood conservation. Placement opportunities are available at the MD Aviation Administration, MD Port Administration, MD Transit Administration, Motor Vehicle Administration, MD State Highway Administration, MD Transportation Authority, and The Secretary’s Office.

Qualifications: The application process is open to students from ALL MAJORS entering their senior year during the Fall 2009 semester with a a 2.7 GPA or better.

Compensation: Participating student earn $3,500 during 8 weeks this summer (June 9 to August 1) and $10.00 per hour in a part-time internship during the Fall, Winter, and/or Spring semester.


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