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Summer Research in Switzerland

The UMBC International Field Research Program (IFR) Health Scholars Program combines:
• Intensive 6 day experiential learning program in Switzerland during Summer 2010
• HAPP/SOCY 403/663 – 3 credit hybrid class meets once a week for 9 weeks (Th 4:30) spring semester
• PHED 121 (section 04) – 1.5 PE credits—meets once a week to help achieve personal goals for exercise and stress reduction while conditioning for Alpine Hiking in Switzerland.

This program will be useful to undergraduate and graduate students considering careers in health and aging or who want to maintain a healthy lifestyle in a fast-paced culture.

Exercise, stress reduction, and diet have been identified as key components in maintaining health for people of all ages. These factors are central to the prevention and management of chronic disease. The risk for chronic diseases increases with age, however, the sedentary, high stress, fast-food life style typical of student life and common for all ages in the US has contributed to an epidemic of related health problems. Switzerland is distinguished by low rates of chronic disease, compared to the US, and a geography and culture that fosters out-door activity for all ages. This experiential learning program applies an ecological framework to examine case studies, international best practices and participant experience to better understand how public policy and clinical practice can help individuals initiate and maintain healthy life styles.

Interested? More information is available at: http://www.umbc.edu/happ/health/IFR.htm

The extended application deadline is January 15, however there are a limited number of spots available for this program. Apply today for best consideration!


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